If you love a good literary marathon, consider trekking to Worcester, MA any June 16 for the
Bloomsday "ramble," reading selections from James Joyce's
Ulysses. The Worcester County Poetry Association has held more Bloomsday events than the Whaling Museum has held MDMs.
Not plump, but plenty stately. |
last year's visit, I had to return for yesterday's doings. This time I mustered my fortitude to make the 8 A.M. kick-off at
Bancroft Tower, which stands in for the Martello tower of chapter 1. Then I followed the ramble to its following six locations until Stephen and Leopold had relieved themselves, and Leopold's budget for the day was itemized.
This is a modest event compared to the MDM, with a DIY feel; our group never exceeded twenty. This means that you chat with everyone, and everyone reads (repeatedly).
As at the MDM, a return visit to
Ulysses reveals fresh details and connections. It's nice to be reminded why this, for me, is an essential book—insightful, ingenious, moving, and...